'Braised goose halal|Muslim Chinese Food | BEST Chinese halal food recipes【Goose recipes】一鹅两吃:红烧+清汤'

05:37 Aug 6, 2023
'Halal Goose recipes/Muslim recipes/Muslim food/Chinese halal food Halal Cooking Method/Best muslim cooking  【Braised goose】 Ingredients: Half goose/potato 500g Chili 50g/Grass Fruit 2pcs/Star Anise 2pcs/Chinese Pepper 30g/Tangerine Peel 10g 3 pieces of bay leaves/ 20g sesame paste/ 30g bean paste/ 10g rock sugar Old soy sauce 10ml/ light soy sauce 20ml/ ginger/50g/ garlic 50g/ rapeseed oil 100ml  step: 1. Chop the goose into small pieces, pour it into the pot, cook for 2 minutes after the water is boiled, remove it, and rinse with cold water. 2. Pour oil in the pot, add goose meat and stir fry for 1 minute, then add ginger, garlic, chili, grass fruit, star anise, pepper, tangerine peel, sesame paste, bean paste, and ingredients and stir for 5 minutes. 3. Add water, add tangerine peel, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, and simmer for 40 minutes. 4. Add potatoes, simmer for 15 minutes , add green onion and eat.   【紅燒鵝】 配料: 鵝半只/土豆500g 辣椒50g/草果2個/八角2個/花椒30g/陳皮10g 香葉3片/芝麻醬20g/豆瓣醬30g/冰糖10g 老抽10ml/生抽20ml/姜/50g/大蒜50g/菜籽油100ml  步驟: 1.鵝剁成小塊,倒入鍋中,水開後煮2分鐘撈出,涼水沖洗乾淨。 2.鍋中倒油,加鵝肉翻炒1分鐘,先後加入姜、大蒜、辣椒、草果、八角、花椒、陳皮、芝麻醬、豆瓣醬、配料翻炒5分鐘。 3.加水,加入陳皮、冰糖、老抽、生抽,小火燉40分鐘。 4.加入土豆,燉15分鐘起鍋,加蔥花開吃。   【BGM】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCPIlOIRId0   ***【MY DRESS AND MY condiment】  Hi friends My Malay shopee shop is online now  There are some clothes I installed in the video And the condiments I have used Such as bean paste, hot pot base, pepper, etc.  Sisters from Malaysia Can come and see  Do you like it  https://shopee.com.my/arui007.my  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 如果朋友们喜欢我的视频,别忘了订阅我的频道哦!!   【老太阿蕊 Laotai Arui】https://bit.ly/LaotaiArui   Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/laotai.rui   打开小铃铛,精彩美食不容错过! #老太阿蕊#LaotaiArui#清真菜#' 

Tags: Islam , chinese food , chinese food recipes , Muslim food , halal cooking , 老太阿蕊 , Laotai Arui , Laotaiarui , 雲南美食 , 雲南 , 云南美食 , Chinese Muslim food , Chinese halal food , halaf food , chinese halal food recipes , Islam food , halal china , Muslim china , Islamic china , Muslim yummy cooking , Muslim yummy food , MUSLIM COOKING

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